Thank you, Kroil and Kano Labs for this amazing donation!

Thank you to Kroil and Kano Labs for the amazing donation of supplies for our Aviation Maintenance programs.  Having our students use top notch products during their educational time with us sure helps them know what right is when they are working in the Aviation Maintenance Technician field, we appreciate your dedication to the educational…

Blessing Box

With fall and the holidays fast approaching we sometimes can use a little help; stop by the Blessing Box located in our parking lot and get what you need.  Two Girl Scouts from Troop 1044 constructed the Blessing Box for their Silver Award and have a system to refill it as needed.    If you would…

NCI: A Partner in Education

North Central Institute has been a Partner in Education with the  Clarksville Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) for numerous years; primarily with Norman Smith Elementary School and West Creek High School.  NCI most recently donated snacks for an incentive program at Norman Smith Elementary School, what a positive initiative!   Over the years NCI has donated…